At some point you will have a lot of beans being shown on the Beans page. To quickly find a specific one or maybe all picked in a specific year, you can use the Filter text box.

Text search

If you simply type any word into the filter box, you will get a list of beans in which the word appears as (part of):

  • bean label
  • origin or region (e.g. Africa)
  • bean notes
  • Cxxxx number
  • picked year or landed year

Usually, just entering what you are looking for will bring the desired results. Sometimes, though, some of the following tricks might be of help!

Exclude (hide certain beans)

If you want to hide certain beans, just start your search string with a minus -. All beans that match will be excluded from the results. You can also use - on most of the following specific search types.

Filter specific bean information

Bean number Cxxxx

Just type C1099 to find the bean with this specific bean number

Bean stock

The following will work with kg or lbs, depending on what you have configured in your settings.

  • if you want to get all beans with current stock of about 10, just enter 10

  • if you look for stock of about 10.5 like 10.451 or 10.549, simply enter 10.5

  • if you want to list all beans with stock larger than 10, search for >10 while <10 will yield all with stock less than 10

If you want to search for specific properties, you have the following possibilities:

  • USER: Marko if several users are using your account, get only those created by Marko
  • ORIGIN: ethiopia give all beans from Ethopia
  • STOCK: 10 see “Bean stock” above
  • FLAVOR: peach gives all beans with flavor peach

